
Carpet of Life

A unique interior piece as a tribute to the power of imagination and social design. That is how the initiators call the carpets made by Nomadic women of Morroco.

Carpet of life

Clothing as vital raw material
Unfortunately textiles to create products are hard to come by in these isolated parts of the world. The Sahara is totally lacking any consistent form of raw material. Textiles and such need to be imported from elsewhere, for instance most modern fabrics in Morocco come from China. So, with secondhand clothing as vital raw material, the Nomadic women of Morocco, can get to work sustaining their heritage and art form, and at the same time increase their incomes and create a better future for their families.

Craft culture
The oasis of M’hamid El Ghizlane in the south of Morocco consists of ten different villages. Women from 6 of these villages participate in making carpets for Carpet of Life. Through Carpet of Life, the traditions and craft culture is retained. The women are able to show the big potential of their creativity. By sharing their creativity they gain new aspirations and they are connected to other worlds.
The region was hit by many hardships in the past including draught. As a result of this, many men left the region and women stayed behind dividing their time over household activities and small scale farming.
In order to develop again a prosperous local economy it is crucial to empower these local women, and create new opportunities. Carpet of Life sees this opportunity in creating a brand that builds upon the pride of the local community, and so reviving and fostering the cultural life and tradition to build a better future.

The Carpet of Life concept is based on traditional Moroccan carpets called Boucherouite or Boucherwi, made by most families from nomadic background. This craft is relying on instinct and experience rather than set design rules. Details are derived from nature, perfumes, sounds and tastes. Boucherouite carpets can be made from almost anything… second-hand clothing, tea towels, bed linen, even plastic!

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