

Social design lab for urban agriculture


In the style of naming one’s land and landscapes, from Walden to the Farm, places inspired by self-reliance and conviviality, in Dutch, Urbaniahoeve means, ‘the city (as a) farmyard’, indicating the ready-built city as the place where we might ‘get ourselves back to the garden’. The foodscapes that we build together with communities and local agencies are the empirical application of an holistic approach to the human-city-nature complex, a qualitative reconsideration of the real and actual city’s public space.

Urbaniahoeve’s vision of urban agriculture describes a coherent edible ecological framework (EEF) within the public space – one that gives the co-operatively implemented landscape a park-like nature – and that describes the foundation of an urban agriculture that Urbaniahoeve desires and proposes, an urban agriculture that positively impacts the city at ecological, social, and nutritional levels.

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