
A visit from Heinrich Böll Stiftung

Monday June 15th, a mixed company from the Heinrich Böll Foundation visited the Wildeman area as part of their study tour to Amsterdam and Hamburg.


Managers, politicians and specialists from Washington, Prague and Brno visited the Garage Notweg, base of The Beach and discussed in our urban garden what the new methods and thoughts present the society in transition. Concrete examples were based in the community we work with.

The nature of urban design and city planning is shifting: ‘from space to place’
The idea of ‘place-making’ is growing: less expert-led, and more local and participatory. Design ‘with’ rather than just ‘for’ citizens/community/ civic economy.

A new notion of sustainability: social + environmental = Sustainism.
Think of sustainability and community building as two sides of the same policy question.

Sustainist design / Urban politics
Co-design of cities (local-shared- connected-human scale). “Who owns the city?”

Local qualities as resource: collective sharing/ learning. (The dividend of nearbyness). There is a new agenda for a local politics.

Heinrich Böll Foundation
Fostering democracy and upholding human rights, taking action to prevent the destruction of the global ecosystem, advancing equality between women and men, securing peace through conflict prevention in crisis zones, and defending the freedom of individuals against excessive state and economic power – these are the objectives that drive the ideas and actions of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. They maintain close ties to the German Green Party (Alliance 90/The Greens) and as a think tank for green visions and projects, they are part of an international network encompassing well over 100 partner projects in approxi­mately 60 countries.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation works independently and nurtures a spirit of intellectual openness. They maintain a world wide network with currently 30 international offices. By cooperating closely with 16 state-level Böll Foundations in each of Germany’s federal states they support talented, socio-politically engaged undergraduate and graduate students in Germany and abroad.

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