Makers Festival 2013 (en)

Making is connecting!

Part of: Makers Festival 2013


Garage Notweg
Notweg 38, 1068 LL Amsterdam

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Makers + co will host the third Makers Festival at Garage Notweg in Amsterdam Nieuw-West on 30 November. This third edition of the Festival will again feature an extraordinary selection of designers and local makers who will show you (and let you experience!) how ‘make-it-yourself’ connects people with each other and with their surroundings. Neighbourhood workshops, local energy supplies, urban agriculture, learning by thinking and doing: all are examples of the many forms of ‘make-it-yourself’, ‘share together’ and co-creation.

Designers and makers from the Wildeman neighbourhood in Amsterdam Nieuw-West will demonstrate how they improve their own neighbourhood through growing edible plants, building playgrounds, making music and more. Several professional designers, artists and makers such as Debra Solomon (Urbaniahoeve), Maartje Dros, Ricardo Nascimento (Popkalab), Latif Aabadoui, Nora Tinholt, Karien van Assendelft, Han van ‘t Landt, Brigitte van Mechelen and cultural makers from ‘Buurttelevisie’ and ‘Buurtwerkplaats Noorderhof’ collaborated with Nieuw-West residents during the past year. Together, they will present the results of their projects under the motto Wij maken Mooi Wildeman (We make Beautiful Wildeman)

Apart from this local example, many more projects will be presented. These projects demonstrate that the increasing attention for sharing openly and locally with human measure as well as doing and making-it-yourself leads to new ways of shaping our social environment. Rural Spark for example shows how villagers in India make their own energy network. Afghan designer Massoud Hassani presents Mine Kafon, the development of a land mine destructor. Henriette Wall and Sophie Krier introduce us to Hunnie - localised designs from the Bovenlanden (polder in the province of Utrecht). In a new story-telling performance from artist Anne van Delft, three Amsterdam Nieuw-West generations talk about work and passion. Neighbourhood children will produce small video interviews with participants and visitors, with the help of journalist Brigitte van Mechelen. Moreover, the makers of ’Buurtwerkplaats Noorderhof’ will bake, brew, smoke and stew food together with visitors.

Visitors can participate in many more activities: taking part in a musical spectacle with handmade instruments, juggling with the newest version of STEIM’s Juggling Soundballs, learning how to grow your own food with Mediamatic’s Aquaponics, making your own Mood Room with Waag Society, learning how a FabLab works from Caland Technasium students and more.

Everyone is a maker!

Makers Festival 2013 will take place at Garage Notweg, Amsterdam.

Address: Notweg 38, 1068 LL Amsterdam.

Makers + co is a programme initiated by The Beach, design studio for creative innovation. Makers Festival 2013 is made possible through contributions from the Amsterdam municipality, the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Rabobank, Stadgenoot, Goods Design, Nieuw-West Open, Urbaniahoeve and from many other enthusiastic people and organisations.

For more information:


or call: +31 (0)6 107 84 168

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